Most want to take control of their destiny and they have an entrepreneurial spirit that empowers them to believe they can.
Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart or those who want to make easy money. Managing your own business is difficult, challenging, time-consuming, yet unbelievably rewarding.
I believe that our value lies in the difference we make in the lives of our clients and the communities where we live and work. Earning money, of course, is desirable; but making it as a result of service and purpose is truly the highest calling. No one will enjoy any long-standing career unless they find a purpose larger than themselves that motivates passion.
It is amazing to me, at this age, to look back and realize that my whole adult life and career has been spent in one industry – real estate. It is an amazing career choice and holds such a unique opportunity to all who participate.
Skill Centered Coaching offers programs that assist companies and sales agents across the country build businesses rather than chase deals and to discover their purpose by finding their center.