January is a little more than half over and there have been over a dozen opportunities to collaborate with our peers in this business. I forced myself out of my Holiday/New Year’s haze January 9th. I got up, dressed up and drove 50 minutes to the Franklin Marriott from Ashland City. Blaze, a networking free monthly program for REALTORS held a panel of our industries star performers, Jessi Sgarlata, Cindy Stanton, Kelly Dougherty and Kenny Sallis. The information, inspiration and, encouragement shared in that two hour session had us leaving on such a high note re-committed to reach higher for our goals. Then, one week later, Real Producer magazine held another panel, moderated by GNR president Kristy Hairston, focusing on “What is an I-buyer and what effect will that have on our industry?” Panel members John Giffen and Aaron Armstrong were thorough, optimistic and full of tips and information to use in our 30-day messages and presentations with our seller and buyers.
I am more than grateful that I was able to attend both of these events and extremely thankful to Emily Daniel, Kristen Staback, Carey-Ann Cyr and many more who give of their time, tallent and money to provide these forums for us to learn and grow. Besides the incredible knowledge to be gleaned from attending, the networking, camaraderie and partnerships created are invaluable to building and sustaining a successful business. My only complaint and frustration was that there were not more of us in attendance. No one and no business succeeds alone. It takes humility and authenticity to connect and learn from each other. Please make time in your busy schedules to attend these events. They are held once a month and cost nothing but your time; missing them may cost you $$$.
On another note, I have discovered a new book that has me highlighting and underlining all over each page, and I am just in the introduction. It is called “It’s The Manager” by Jim Clifton and Jim Harter. If you are a team leader, managing broker or in any leadership role, this is a must read. I will be incorporating it in my coaching programs.
Thank you to all who have referred agents and companies to me. My business is off to a great start and the joy of watching others succeed is my highest reward. Here’s to 2020