Dearest Friends,
This week my readings gave me many things to ponder. Two very powerful thoughts passed through my lens of contemplation and I just had to stop and share them with you.
One of my dear clients and a fellow agent brought me a word that kept coming up in her daily readings—-PIVOT. I found myself captivated by the meaning this word invoked in me. Due to COVID-19, our world, our earth and everything we have held onto as normal, is forcing each one of us to pivot. I looked up the meaning of this word and paraphrased what I found.
To Pivot…….A dramatic shift or change in thinking, policy or strategy that gives cause to rotate, revolve or turn.
I cannot think of a better description of the challenge we face each day as we search for answers and signs of hope. We all must pivot! We must turn in a different direction with our thoughts, words and actions if we are going to, not only survive but thrive, on our journey to the future. Those that cannot or will not pivot, will be like a lizard that cannot shed his skin. There are various species that, in order to grow, must shed their current skin or shell or they become trapped in place that no longer fits their new reality. Without letting go of the old, they cannot embrace the new and ultimately perish.
So I am challenging each of us to PIVOT and begin the journey to hope. Hope in a new world, a new attitude and a new perspective that does not return to “normal”, but elevates us all to a higher level of love, care and understanding of our place and purpose in a time such as this.
My spiritual mentor, Richard Rohr, had a powerful message this morning about this journey. It struck a deep chord within me as it speaks to my coaching strategy and why I named my company as I did. I hope you can reflect on these words, and begin your journey to hope and your center.
“This journey to the wellsprings of hope is not something that will change your life in the short range, in the externals. Rather, it is something that will change your innermost way of seeing. From there, inevitably, the externals will rearrange. . . .
The journey to the wellsprings of hope is really a journey toward the center, toward the innermost ground of our being where we meet and are met by God.”
God Bless Us All,
Bobbie Noreen xo