Dearest Friends and Family,
In spite of everything that is going on, forcing us to discontinue our normal routines and outings, our earth is oblivious to it all and continues to turn and bloom as it does every spring. The weather is wonderful, the trees are a beautiful shade of pale green and the flowers are opening everywhere in the most glorious of colors. We must “stop and smell the roses”, as they say. So let us enjoy this beautiful season…at a safe distance from each other of course!
I offer this list to you of 21 ways to ensure happiness and success. Let’s vow to adopt and practice them each day!
- Be the positive influence everywhere you are.
- Stand up, stand straight, and stand out.
- Smile, it’s your biggest gift
- Share your problems with only a trusted few; most people don’t care about them and many are glad YOU have them and not them.
- Accept that wisdom is power-not money or knowledge. Wisdom is the knowledge of how to make, spend, save and share your money in abundance.
- Plan to succeed, people don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan.
- Define your purpose; make it your brand, and pattern all you do around it.
- Don’t sanction incompetence in self or others.
- Discover how the center is the new edge
- Put every goal, strategy, and task (personal and business) in writing.
- Schedule and assign a start and stop time to all your (personal and business) tasks.( Time Block)
- Work five scheduled hours a day.
- Never be late for an appointment, it gives others the impression that they are unimportant, especially you.
- Play a little every day.
- Refer negative people to other negative people. They love to cluster.
- Listen to others instead of talking to them.
- Understand and accept the Law of Reality. If A lies to B—-A will lie to me. Substitute other phrases for “lies to” to match the circumstance.
- Own your mistakes. Then get over it.
- Tell everyone what you do for a living and how much you enjoy it.
- Walk Breathe and carry yourself with power.
- Never forget to thank someone for something every day, especially your CREATOR.
I pray the power of love fills your hearts to overflowing, spilling on all, that we may be healed.
God Bless Us Everyone!
Bobbie Noreen xo