I work with clients everyday that, when asked this question, cannot find an answer. If they do, it is always about money and the needs and wants that it supplies. I require a 6 hour “retreat” to kick off my coaching program with my clients to address thoroughly the “why” in each life. Why, by the way, is not motivation. Motivation changes from life’s season to season. Your why comes from a very deep place in your center. It is formed by our uniqueness at birth and develops as we grow. The lens we use to view the world and ourselves can become distorted and affect our confidence, happiness and fulfillment making it hard to build a successful life, let alone a sustainable productive business.
My clients and I start our time together talking about worthiness and the “you” that exists outside of a life status or circumstances. Where were you or what were you doing when you felt that tingle or passion rise up? When you knew you were exactly at the right place at the right time filled with purpose. These are difficult questions to answer quickly and take time. there are many questions and discussions that ensue, but always with hard work, we come to that center place; from there we can build short term and long term goals.
The picture I posted for this blog is a rather strange one and will not mean much to anyone but me. It is a tiny cabin off the beaten path in Lake Tahoe, California. It used to be surrounded by many acres of forest and sat all alone amongst the glorious smelling pine trees that make Tahoe so unique. When I was about 9 year old, my parents began to vacation there each summer for two weeks. This little cabin and the woods around it, became my sanctuary. As time went on and I grew into a teenager, I learned about young love right on that front stoop. When I need to find the long ago “me” that exists apart from all that life has tacked on to me, I go back to this place in my mind and remember who I am and why I am here. Do you have a picture or a memory that does it for you?
If you need to find your why, travel back to a place where you felt whole and snuggle down into that safe place for awhile. Call me if you need a hand to hold as you discover your why.